Feb 24Liked by Peter Fam (of Maat's Method)

Hm, acts of omission have always been a problem area in the law. The decision to prosecute is the other problem area. I recall a barrister friend and former prosecutor in HK discussing this issue with me. In higher jurisdictions while the police may present a case the decision to proceed does not lie with them but withe AG’s dept. So I can see that imposing this duty at first instance has a few hurdles to overcome. A well written analysis.

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Thanks Rahima. Yes, absolutely.

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Being that All Australian Governments including Federal & State Governments and their Departments/Agencies including ALL State and Federal Police, Court Departments/Agencies have their own ABN nos. and are registerd in Delaware of the USA making them All Corporations. My questions is: Who are they answerable to? Their shareholders or the Australian Citizens?

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