"It is a statute typical of the Australian Government. It seeks to give an unelected bureaucrat as broad and unchecked power as possible to curb anything at all that the Australian Government does not like, using something that does not exist as justification for it."

How do we stop this government overreach into our lives?

I thought the idea was for governments to serve the people, but now we seem to be under tyranny.

I do not consent to this.

Before the computer age we just got on with our lives, without noticing government much. But now it's invading our lives all the time, particularly stealing our privacy and autonomy.

How do we stop it?

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JURIES NULIFY BAD LAWS. Trial by Jury is Democracy - use it or lose it!

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Without people like Peter and Alexander, Australia doesn't stand a chance

Thanks for making it clear to the Australian government that common sense

needs to be revived in this land

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“In addition, there is no growth and no humanity without harm and without suffering, because such is the human condition. The idea that anybody needs to be kept safe is not only infantilising….”

Excellent analysis Peter. Your comment above sums it up. The ‘nanny state’ is out of control!

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My guess is that it will be the 'safety' of being safe from harrassment, offence, bullying, hate etc.

It's pretty formulaic, it's the same way the progressive sludge has conquered every other niche of the social ecosystem. At first you're told you have to tolerate the mutants and weirdos, they're just people like you who should have access to the same opportunities. Then we need to stop doing things that make them feel alienated and unsafe. Then you need to give them access to your kids, bigot.

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The notion of safety on the internet maybe a noble proposition but currently it lacks utility and practicality. Given that governments and media barons can censor and control public commentary on digital media now then there is no reason why insidious topics such as pornography can't be banned altogether.

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