Jul 18Liked by Peter Fam (of Maat's Method)

At the cellular level the script is written from conception. The rest is dress ups. Thank you Peter Fam, for standing ground!

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Jul 18Liked by Peter Fam (of Maat's Method)

The principal at stake here is It is no different to insist that a dog is not a cat!

It would be interesting to learn the origin and motivation of the lobbyist who convinced the Gillard Government to amend the Sex Discrimination Act.

The legislation draftsperson and the legal advisors clearly missed the point - or did they?

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Jul 18Liked by Peter Fam (of Maat's Method)

This is so beautifully written. Thank you for summoning your cultural heritage, your legal scholarship and your deep humanity. Should be read by every high school student.

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Jul 18Liked by Peter Fam (of Maat's Method)

Great piece well said. Thank you Peter for being the voice of reason. Amazing article.

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Jul 19Liked by Peter Fam (of Maat's Method)

Eloquently and graciously expressed. On behalf of all woman, and those who respect us, thank you Peter 🙏

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Jul 19Liked by Peter Fam (of Maat's Method)

‘A woman is not a thought’. That about sums it up

Too many have forgotten what it means to just do the right thing

Too wrapped up in their little world inside their head to

know what it means to be a good man or a good woman

Thanks again for your thoughts Peter

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Jul 19Liked by Peter Fam (of Maat's Method)

Another excellent script - appreciate this. Thanks Peter, Nga mihi nunui!

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There are evil people who are trying to destroy humanity.

Who are they? We must identify them, expose them, bring them to account.

See: We are at the Start of a Genocide Against Women: https://lawyerlisa.substack.com/p/we-are-at-the-start-of-a-genocide

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I agree Elizabeth. But we're not at the start of a genocide against women - its been happening for hundreds of years. For example, the burning of the witches lasted in Europe for 500 years and continues on with new names. We're in a war against Women and Nature....against Life.

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What's the definition of 'Person' and might it apply in the Australian Legal System? A Corporation is considered a 'Person' in our Legal System so may not always refer to a living man or living woman. Also when did the people living on the land we call Australia actually give their consent to The Constitution for the Commonwealth of Australia 1900 including the Preamble Clauses 1-9 and the Schedule as Proclaimed January 1901 and published in the government gazette? Parliament cannot alter anything in that Constitution, ONLY the people can by Referendum.

At the time this Constitution was proposed there were ONLY two genders, either Male or Female and no facility to introduce any other. I am certain that in 1900 there was no ambiguity about gender and no adult would have given credit to a change of mind about what gender a person wanted to be.

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