There needs to be arrests for all the politicians, doctors,scientists,big pharmaceutical companies, and everyone else involved in the biggest crime in history. Only then will justice be served.
The Emergency and the shots were affirmed as good for public health in the Agreed Facts in Shephard v SA.
There will be no 'arrests' because it was all legal under the Emergency, even the killing. Who will arrest them? There is no mechanism for justice. This was a US DOD-Australian military operation.
People cannot comply with evil and then expect 'arrests' and 'justice' from that same system. The country is gone and captured.
As someone with no vaccine injuries (as I refused the shot and was out of employment for 4 months for my trouble before being reinstated in my previous role by my employer, this itself a victory for me despite the loss of income), I applaud these early results and wish for many more.
People (I'm talking to you, bullying employers of Australia and elsewhere) should be held to account and compensation *paid* to those who suffer with any injuries.
We have to prove to these people that they cannot push us around in such unlawful ways without ultimate consequence.
And/or - if employers organise a class action against the govt for pushing it onto them - with threats of hefty fines if they did not. I'm sure that's a breach of a Criminal Code, Then we could work out way up the chain of justice, on multiple fronts. If - IF - the courts hold true.
If employers across the country are not hit with mass lawsuits then this will happen all over again. My desire for bodily autonomy is so strong and compelling that I would happily watch half of the county's businesses collapse due to the payout burden and all my wealth disappear with it if it meant I retained total control over what medical procedures are performed upon me. This could make the James Hardie asbestos payouts look like a drop in the ocean.
Yes, that is a possibility maybe even a probability. I would take nothing off the table when it comes to the deceit and machiavellian machinations of the elites and their masters.
Peter's analysis of the victory in the courts for both the young man who suffered physical injury and the lady who suffered psychological injury should bolster and embolden anyone who has suffered any sort of harm from the biggest experiment on the people of all time.
These precedents are tremendously important and can be relied upon for others to sue their employer for harms caused because they were mandated to endure the experimental medical procedure(s).
Thanks Peter for so eloquently explaining the nuts and bolts of these cases.
I am forever grateful that the evil narrative is unravelling. The (globalist influenced) government and their paid stooges will hopefully, think twice and be oh so reluctant to try this sort of draconian overreach into the future on the good people of Australia.
As someone who used to be a union member, I'm wondering when the unions face up to all this. Surely some union reps have their eyes open. Thanks Peter for being a lawyer who cares about human rights and is taking action on this.
At one client I work for I was pushing to abandon masking and fortunately the Site Manager listened to me and pushed back on vaxxing successfully.
But the Site Manager had the mongrels in the Union screaming for extreme measures.
As we know the vaxx was dangerous and useless with zero evidence. But the unions did nothing but hurt and injure their members during covid. Union leaders should be jailed along with all the spineless murderers who pushed the jabs.
It was a big shock to me when I found out about this. We need to dismantle the legal walls of the killbox but people do not even understand that it exists.
Please excuse my ignorance as I cannot see anywhere, before the Covid was announced that our Australian Constitution was authorised to be bypassed. Our Constitution expressly declares it is the superior law of Australia and cannot be altered except by a referendum. Most of the legal issues currently under discussion were originally provided for in our original Consititution.
I met up with a local woman today - haven't seen her for a while. She used to run a local business but had to sell, due to 'illness'. With a very gravelly half present voice, she described clots, complete loss of voice, and more. Life-changing. Slowly partially recovering. But - most unsettling - the doctors don't know what caused it - or if it will flare up again. Hmmmm ...
She seemed stressed enough, without me making a suggestion as to the cause. Instead, I just encouraged her to get better and better. She's doing natural treatments, so I have hope she will continue to improve.
The argument that while government and pharmaceutical companies had liability protection vis a vis these novel MRNA shots, employers enjoyed no such liability protection in mandating them.
Unfortunately for most employers, the argument fell on deaf ears. May they now reap the consequences of that decision, but at what cost to world economies? A more conspiratorial person might actually think this was part of some overarching goal, but either way, it could very well be a result.
Who was invited to the fake "National Cabinet" table to implement these destructive measures in the first instance? Everything would be revealed if access to these documents were to be revealed UNREDACTED. People forget that Justice Richard White in August 2021 granted former Senator Rex Patrick access to these documents, so far crickets. The current "begging" to the Senators for an expensive , sure we'll investigate ourselves, Royal Commission, who by the way recently voted against an inquiry into excess deaths could/ should "cut to the chase". DEMAND these documents on behalf of ALL Australian's jabbed or not as these meetings & the decisions from these meetings affected EVERYONE. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear, otherwise this will be just another "on the record" conversation.
I still wonder if justice will be served for myself and many others, who were terminated upon no grounds except failure to accept the double clot-shot therapy.
Will I receive reinstatement to my previous role, or an option to have compensation calculated for loss of earnings (past and future)? I lost my position of 13 years at Metro Trains, and I would have received a Retired Employee Free Travel Authority (transport ticket) at 25 years' service. I have lost earnings and employee benefits because my employer terminated my employment.
Sorry that happened to you, Matthew. One form of justice is that you have retained both your health and the purity of your genetic makeup. That is priceless. We have retained what is most important, and it's something the legal system could never provide, because it's not the system's to give. But yes, the legal system will eventually catch up and the fallout will be huge.
Great wins and thanks for the clear explanations Peter. I hope it opens the floodgates to more challenges to employers. I also had to leave my NSW Govt job to avoid misconduct proceedings or termination.
I was wondering though - did employers have discretion whether and how to implement the public health orders? Also, is there no way to challenge the authorities that issued the Public Health orders?
Employers were in a difficult position; but they did have discretion in the sense that it is always ultimately up to an employer to determine what directions to give to their employees. Many employers chose not to implement this particular direction and there were creative ways to achieve doing so. If enough employers were brave enough and sharp enough to realise that the Government was forcing them to do their dirty work and to refuse to do it then things wouldn't have played out the way that they did.
My former employers in local government seemed to lap up the extra power they got to treat employees badly. They couldn't wait to announce that there would be 'strict disciplinary measures' if people didn't get vaccinated. I had one HR person who acted like a human being and was kind even if they couldn't do much to change things.. but most other managers were quick to haul people over the coals and bully them....they felt so self righteous in their actions. The way they treated people was many who read this substack will know. May the wins continue.
We the people demand that Justice expose the malfeasance committed by all government agencies,
including the last two Prime Ministers & all the cabinet ministers who led the cheer for the big lie,
SAFE & EFFECTIVE ! Their treasonous acts must be held accountable, before we can begin to put the jigsaw back together again ! Personally I have no confidence at all with our present criminal cartel ! They should all step down & beg us for forgiveness ! Many Australians arrived here because they
stole a loaf of bread & now we have our government guilty of genocide, what punishment do they
deserve ?
Two wonderful victories, congratulations to all concerned & I know there will be many more !
Well done Peter for explaining these 2 significant wins.
I just wonder though whether many workers compensation insurers, will begin to realise they are now more vulnerable for paying out future claims to mandated jab-injured employees.
Will these workers compensation insurers (companies) band together and counter-sue their own State/Territory Governments for creating Public Health Orders involving experimental jabs which were not "safe" for a lot of employees as the potential flood of workers compensation claims start 'rolling in'?
Will this lead to personal liability claims for those jab-harmed/killed - our elderly; pregnant women who had miscarriages, foetal deaths and still births; those breast-feeding women who took the jabs and their babies who were affected (as reported on the TGA DAEN) and many others who were jab-harmed/killed? What about the almost 140,000 cases of adverse reports on the TGD DAEN including the 9 reported child-deaths out of 1,010 reported covid jab deaths?
Obviously, many government-run workers comp insurers are 'stuffed'. But the private workers comp insurers may have a 'flood' of workers comp claims, and these companies may well do their own class action against these governments.
This was an unnecessary catastrophe imposed upon Australians and our world. Fear and pharma $. Never again. May many wise (rise) up.
Realistically speaking, once the flood gates of compo claims open (and oh boy they will!!), no employer except the large corporates, will be able to sustain then and will simply go under.
The big boys will tie everyone up in legalese (appeals & counter appeals) until the end of the century.
I don't even want to mention the government who has a fighting fund with effectively unlimited money (OUR money).
I do hope very much that the legal system can bring justice for the victims but as it is part of the system, I very much doubt it can...
An excellent effort for all involved, including the digestible to the layman provided in the video.
The elephant in the room however is the so called "United" Nations and our commitments to that hydra - not only the WHO.
Moves are actively underway NOW by the village idiots in the current federal government to subscribe this nation to an even greater depth of UN subservience.
The only way to halt this madness is to make personally accountable those who not only so act, but the fools and bullies in Government (Politicians and Bureaucrats) along with professional organisations and media that promote and lubricate decrees from the UN.
Until that is effected - woe to all Australians.
The biggest hammer we have is the legal fraternity and precedents they establish, so methinks it is time NOW for a Union of Major and minor legal entities to join forces and bring this to a head such that the assaults we have seen and still see and are about to see more ... are brought to an abrupt end.
Remember: THEY (the aforementioned) impose endless punitive laws on us but by some magic, absolve themselves of ALL responsibility.
Change that and then all citizens will be better off.
Don't change, and prepare for being shepherded and corralled.
We all know what happens to animals when corralled!
There needs to be arrests for all the politicians, doctors,scientists,big pharmaceutical companies, and everyone else involved in the biggest crime in history. Only then will justice be served.
And public hangings.
Nothing was by accident.
I agree, but the debt can never be fully paid
The Emergency and the shots were affirmed as good for public health in the Agreed Facts in Shephard v SA.
There will be no 'arrests' because it was all legal under the Emergency, even the killing. Who will arrest them? There is no mechanism for justice. This was a US DOD-Australian military operation.
People cannot comply with evil and then expect 'arrests' and 'justice' from that same system. The country is gone and captured.
As someone with no vaccine injuries (as I refused the shot and was out of employment for 4 months for my trouble before being reinstated in my previous role by my employer, this itself a victory for me despite the loss of income), I applaud these early results and wish for many more.
People (I'm talking to you, bullying employers of Australia and elsewhere) should be held to account and compensation *paid* to those who suffer with any injuries.
We have to prove to these people that they cannot push us around in such unlawful ways without ultimate consequence.
And/or - if employers organise a class action against the govt for pushing it onto them - with threats of hefty fines if they did not. I'm sure that's a breach of a Criminal Code, Then we could work out way up the chain of justice, on multiple fronts. If - IF - the courts hold true.
If employers across the country are not hit with mass lawsuits then this will happen all over again. My desire for bodily autonomy is so strong and compelling that I would happily watch half of the county's businesses collapse due to the payout burden and all my wealth disappear with it if it meant I retained total control over what medical procedures are performed upon me. This could make the James Hardie asbestos payouts look like a drop in the ocean.
Yes, that is a possibility maybe even a probability. I would take nothing off the table when it comes to the deceit and machiavellian machinations of the elites and their masters.
I think you are right, but they must then sue the govt in turn "we" (those affected by mandates) sue them. We cannot not sue them.
Thank you Peter, great summary of important cases.
I don't know were I'd be if I had not found alternative employment 6 months after being terminated for refusing the countermeasures.
Let the flood gates open, and keep fighting the good fight.
Peter's analysis of the victory in the courts for both the young man who suffered physical injury and the lady who suffered psychological injury should bolster and embolden anyone who has suffered any sort of harm from the biggest experiment on the people of all time.
These precedents are tremendously important and can be relied upon for others to sue their employer for harms caused because they were mandated to endure the experimental medical procedure(s).
Thanks Peter for so eloquently explaining the nuts and bolts of these cases.
I am forever grateful that the evil narrative is unravelling. The (globalist influenced) government and their paid stooges will hopefully, think twice and be oh so reluctant to try this sort of draconian overreach into the future on the good people of Australia.
As someone who used to be a union member, I'm wondering when the unions face up to all this. Surely some union reps have their eyes open. Thanks Peter for being a lawyer who cares about human rights and is taking action on this.
At one client I work for I was pushing to abandon masking and fortunately the Site Manager listened to me and pushed back on vaxxing successfully.
But the Site Manager had the mongrels in the Union screaming for extreme measures.
As we know the vaxx was dangerous and useless with zero evidence. But the unions did nothing but hurt and injure their members during covid. Union leaders should be jailed along with all the spineless murderers who pushed the jabs.
The unions (in most cases) were actually pushing employers to implement mandates. An incredible breach of duty and trust.
My union sided with my employer over this
Unions were being run by the military, speficially Lt. General Frewen as Co-ordinator General of the National COVID Vaccine Taskforce.
Thanks will read.
It was a big shock to me when I found out about this. We need to dismantle the legal walls of the killbox but people do not even understand that it exists.
Please excuse my ignorance as I cannot see anywhere, before the Covid was announced that our Australian Constitution was authorised to be bypassed. Our Constitution expressly declares it is the superior law of Australia and cannot be altered except by a referendum. Most of the legal issues currently under discussion were originally provided for in our original Consititution.
Interesting point !
Constitution is nullified during a SOE by the CMO letter with the Human Biosecurity Act and power is transferred upwards. Then the PM transferred more power to the military.
It's all legal under an Emergency. We should get rid of the CMO, the HBA and 'Emergencies' but people in government love power and will never do that.
I met up with a local woman today - haven't seen her for a while. She used to run a local business but had to sell, due to 'illness'. With a very gravelly half present voice, she described clots, complete loss of voice, and more. Life-changing. Slowly partially recovering. But - most unsettling - the doctors don't know what caused it - or if it will flare up again. Hmmmm ...
She seemed stressed enough, without me making a suggestion as to the cause. Instead, I just encouraged her to get better and better. She's doing natural treatments, so I have hope she will continue to improve.
Those f@kers have MUCH to answer for!
So many mysterious, unexplained chronic illnesses floating around at present...🤷🏽♂️
The argument that while government and pharmaceutical companies had liability protection vis a vis these novel MRNA shots, employers enjoyed no such liability protection in mandating them.
Unfortunately for most employers, the argument fell on deaf ears. May they now reap the consequences of that decision, but at what cost to world economies? A more conspiratorial person might actually think this was part of some overarching goal, but either way, it could very well be a result.
Of course those running the show were setting up the employers for this result. Does that mean they should get a Get Out Of Gaol Free card?
She said "May they now reap the consequences". The overarching plan was to bankrupt SMEs and destroy middle class.
Yes, saw that too
Ever wonder why each and every State Premier in control during this fiasco, has now resigned?
Who was invited to the fake "National Cabinet" table to implement these destructive measures in the first instance? Everything would be revealed if access to these documents were to be revealed UNREDACTED. People forget that Justice Richard White in August 2021 granted former Senator Rex Patrick access to these documents, so far crickets. The current "begging" to the Senators for an expensive , sure we'll investigate ourselves, Royal Commission, who by the way recently voted against an inquiry into excess deaths could/ should "cut to the chase". DEMAND these documents on behalf of ALL Australian's jabbed or not as these meetings & the decisions from these meetings affected EVERYONE. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear, otherwise this will be just another "on the record" conversation.
I still wonder if justice will be served for myself and many others, who were terminated upon no grounds except failure to accept the double clot-shot therapy.
Will I receive reinstatement to my previous role, or an option to have compensation calculated for loss of earnings (past and future)? I lost my position of 13 years at Metro Trains, and I would have received a Retired Employee Free Travel Authority (transport ticket) at 25 years' service. I have lost earnings and employee benefits because my employer terminated my employment.
Sorry that happened to you, Matthew. One form of justice is that you have retained both your health and the purity of your genetic makeup. That is priceless. We have retained what is most important, and it's something the legal system could never provide, because it's not the system's to give. But yes, the legal system will eventually catch up and the fallout will be huge.
Great wins and thanks for the clear explanations Peter. I hope it opens the floodgates to more challenges to employers. I also had to leave my NSW Govt job to avoid misconduct proceedings or termination.
I was wondering though - did employers have discretion whether and how to implement the public health orders? Also, is there no way to challenge the authorities that issued the Public Health orders?
Employers were in a difficult position; but they did have discretion in the sense that it is always ultimately up to an employer to determine what directions to give to their employees. Many employers chose not to implement this particular direction and there were creative ways to achieve doing so. If enough employers were brave enough and sharp enough to realise that the Government was forcing them to do their dirty work and to refuse to do it then things wouldn't have played out the way that they did.
My former employers in local government seemed to lap up the extra power they got to treat employees badly. They couldn't wait to announce that there would be 'strict disciplinary measures' if people didn't get vaccinated. I had one HR person who acted like a human being and was kind even if they couldn't do much to change things.. but most other managers were quick to haul people over the coals and bully them....they felt so self righteous in their actions. The way they treated people was many who read this substack will know. May the wins continue.
We the people demand that Justice expose the malfeasance committed by all government agencies,
including the last two Prime Ministers & all the cabinet ministers who led the cheer for the big lie,
SAFE & EFFECTIVE ! Their treasonous acts must be held accountable, before we can begin to put the jigsaw back together again ! Personally I have no confidence at all with our present criminal cartel ! They should all step down & beg us for forgiveness ! Many Australians arrived here because they
stole a loaf of bread & now we have our government guilty of genocide, what punishment do they
deserve ?
Two wonderful victories, congratulations to all concerned & I know there will be many more !
The world is changing
Exciting times
Well done Peter for explaining these 2 significant wins.
I just wonder though whether many workers compensation insurers, will begin to realise they are now more vulnerable for paying out future claims to mandated jab-injured employees.
Will these workers compensation insurers (companies) band together and counter-sue their own State/Territory Governments for creating Public Health Orders involving experimental jabs which were not "safe" for a lot of employees as the potential flood of workers compensation claims start 'rolling in'?
Will this lead to personal liability claims for those jab-harmed/killed - our elderly; pregnant women who had miscarriages, foetal deaths and still births; those breast-feeding women who took the jabs and their babies who were affected (as reported on the TGA DAEN) and many others who were jab-harmed/killed? What about the almost 140,000 cases of adverse reports on the TGD DAEN including the 9 reported child-deaths out of 1,010 reported covid jab deaths?
Obviously, many government-run workers comp insurers are 'stuffed'. But the private workers comp insurers may have a 'flood' of workers comp claims, and these companies may well do their own class action against these governments.
This was an unnecessary catastrophe imposed upon Australians and our world. Fear and pharma $. Never again. May many wise (rise) up.
Realistically speaking, once the flood gates of compo claims open (and oh boy they will!!), no employer except the large corporates, will be able to sustain then and will simply go under.
The big boys will tie everyone up in legalese (appeals & counter appeals) until the end of the century.
I don't even want to mention the government who has a fighting fund with effectively unlimited money (OUR money).
I do hope very much that the legal system can bring justice for the victims but as it is part of the system, I very much doubt it can...
An excellent effort for all involved, including the digestible to the layman provided in the video.
The elephant in the room however is the so called "United" Nations and our commitments to that hydra - not only the WHO.
Moves are actively underway NOW by the village idiots in the current federal government to subscribe this nation to an even greater depth of UN subservience.
The only way to halt this madness is to make personally accountable those who not only so act, but the fools and bullies in Government (Politicians and Bureaucrats) along with professional organisations and media that promote and lubricate decrees from the UN.
Until that is effected - woe to all Australians.
The biggest hammer we have is the legal fraternity and precedents they establish, so methinks it is time NOW for a Union of Major and minor legal entities to join forces and bring this to a head such that the assaults we have seen and still see and are about to see more ... are brought to an abrupt end.
Remember: THEY (the aforementioned) impose endless punitive laws on us but by some magic, absolve themselves of ALL responsibility.
Change that and then all citizens will be better off.
Don't change, and prepare for being shepherded and corralled.
We all know what happens to animals when corralled!